SAVE THE DATE: Annual Bushcare Thankyou Picnic – August 31 (Katoomba)

  • Saturday 31st August 2024
  • 11:30am – 3:30pm
  • Peter Carroll Field, Katoomba

The 2024 Annual Thankyou Picnic and Awards Ceremony will be held for the first time at Peter Carroll Field, Katoomba this year.

The theme will be Spring! As we embrace the change of season.

This years activities will include a Kite workshop, Woody weed compost construction workshop, Bushcare trivia along with stalls with representatives from WIRES, the Leura Catchment Group and more.

Fill up on a BBQ and afternoon tea

The cake competition is back! Let your culinary creativity go crazy! with SPRING theme designs. This year you are all the judges! with the peoples choice determining who should win the Golden Knife.

Competition details:

  • The following information will be needed upon entry: Name of cake, Cake creator adn Ingredients list (for dietary requirements)
  • A designated Bushcare officer will be accepting cakes at our cake competition table. This will be located near the amenities building. Please advise if your cake needs refrigeration (limited spots available).
  • Entry into the cake competition closes at 13:00pm.
  • People’s choice votes will be counted after 13:00pm with the winner of the golden knife being announced during the award ceremony afterwhich, everyone will be able to enjoy the cakes.

The Bushcare Award ceremony will take place revealing who will be this years’ Bushcare Legend and Landcare Legend as well as awarding the Hard Yakka, Master, Environmental Warrior and Junior Bushcare awards as well as celebrating group milestones!

The bus will be running this year to transport those who need a lift. Please book your place on the bus when you RSVP.


Draft Natural Areas Volunteer Program 2024-2029

Public exhibition from April 1, 2024 – 27th May.

Council’s Natural Areas Volunteer Program 2024 – 2029 includes Bushcare, Landcare, Trackcare, and Bush Backyards. Under this collective program area these community networks take part in on-ground environmental management of natural and built assets throughout the City.

Community volunteers make an enormous contribution to Council’s environmental management programs, with over 800 community members volunteering annually in Natural Areas Volunteer programs.

In addition to the on-ground benefits realised from these volunteer conservation programs, they demonstrate constructive partnership between Council and community, generate community capital and goodwill, and strengthen a sense connection with the City’s natural environment.

A review and update of Councils Community Conservation Program (CCP) Plan 2014 has been completed, resulting in a revised and retitled Draft Natural Areas Volunteer Program (NAVP) 2024 – 2029. The Draft NAVP outlines Council’s ongoing support for this core program area and guides effective delivery over the next five years.

The document will be on public exhibition and submissions may be made until May 27, 2024. Submissions from this community consultation process will be considered in reviewing the Draft NAVP prior to the final document being submitted to Council for approval later in the year.

Have your say here Draft Natural Areas Volunteer Program 2024 – 2029 | Blue Mountains Have Your Say (

Autumn edition of the Gecko is out!

Check it out!

In this issue:

  • Planting day at Katoomba Public School
  • Birriban News
  • Planting the way forward
  • Vale Nick De Brett
  • Natural Area Operations (NAO) News
  • Post-bushfire monitoring research
  • Recently published paper on the flying season population dynamics of the endangered Giant Dragonfly in the Blue Mountains
  • Book review: A Wide & Open Land – Walking the Last of Western Sydney’s woodlands by Peter Ridgeway
  • Private Land Conservation Conference
  • Remote Bushcare
  • Swampcare
  • Events and more

Clean Up Australia Day 2024

It’s that time of year! Clean up Australia Day is on this Sunday 3 March. Many exciting groups have already registered throughout the Mountains.

Clean Up Australia logo

Here is a list of Clean Ups that may be happening in your neighbourhood.

Click for more information in joining a group

For more information:

Planetary Health Day – February 24th 2024

Planetary Health Day

9am to 3pm Saturday 24 February 2024

Planetary Health Precinct

33-39 Acacia St Katoomba (former Katoomba Golf Clubhouse)

We know how overloaded everyone feels so we’re holding PLANETARY HEALTH DAY on Saturday 24 February. Visit the Planetary Health Precinct and find ways to save money, reduce disaster risk, and restore the health of our community and planet! It will be a one-stop shop and fun Community Day at the Planetary Health Precinct to help you tick off all those sustainability and disaster risk reduction goals on your to-do list.

Help us cater for the event by registering here

We’ll be launching a WATER TANK COMMUNITY BULK BUY so you can order discounted water tanks. Other highlights of the day will include:

  • a First Nations Cultural Workshop with Chris Tobin;
  • an opportunity to meet the ‘off-grid’ Chippendale Sustainable House guy Michael Mobbs as he installs a ‘Cool Seat’ at the Precinct;
  • learning about fire safety and volunteering with the fabulous South Katoomba RFS;
  • learning about volunteering to protect our wildlife with WIRES;
  • an opportunity to speak with local solar panel providers;
  • a chance to spend some time with a local EV owner to discuss what it’s like to be an every day electric car driver in the Mountains;
  • meeting Diego Bonetto and Marnee Fox at their Eat Weeds stall;
  • tasting plant-based food and learning to make plant-based cheese at a tasting and ‘how-to-make-your-own cheese’ demonstration;
  • an opportunity to taste fermented foods;
  • viewings of our Water For Life exhibition and our wicking beds and ponds;
  • learning about seed saving and buying local seeds and produce;
  • a drip irrigation workshop;
  • learning about reducing your waste and growing food;
  • a Blackheath Community Farm stall selling seedlings;
  • learning about fire resistant hempcrete;
  • making or buying a Boomerang Bag;
  • an opportunity to pick up free books and clothes;
  • and lots more!

Be part of the swarm4planetaryhealth as we create a healthier and more fulfilling way of living together!

Contact Saskia for more information on 0473 882 868 or email

This event is part of a Bioregional Collaboration for Planetary Health and is supported by the Disaster Risk Reduction Fund (DRRF). The DRRF is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments.

The Summer 2024 edition of the Bushcare Gecko Newsletter is available now!

 Check it out here!

In this issue:

First Nations:

  • Burning on Country
  • Learning language – Dharug Word Search

Local News and Alerts:

  • Bushcare has a new Team Leader
  • Vale Jeannette Adrian
  • More bunting, please!
  • A bell never rings itself – A day in the Bell community
  • Book review: Rocks and Trees – A photographic journey through the rich and varied geology, scenery and flora of the Sydney Region by John Martyn

Ecological Restoration & Biodiversity Science:

  • Granite sandstone landscapes of the Blue Mountains
  • Barbed wire blitz
  • Our backyard shellebrity

What’s on – Summer 2024:

  • Remote Bushcare
  • Swampcare
  • Events and more

What is your animal personality?

We are all a part of the same Animalia Kingdom, Country and Bushcare Community. So which species do you closely share a personality with?

The Social Butterfly

Gang Gang Cockatoos

Do you usually have brunch plans every weekend? Are you the charismatic one in the group? Do you find yourself getting bored easily and require regular stimulation or entertainment. Are you know to have a funky hair do? Well, you might find yourself hanging out with the Gang Gang Cockatoos.

The Shy One

Greater Glider

Do you hate being the centre of attention? Do you prefer a solitary life? a bit of a home body. Do you often find yourself snug and wrapped up in a blanket? Are you a little bit clumsy at times when out in the world? Well say hello to your spirit animal – the Greater Glider

The Fitness Fanatic

Giant Burrowing Frog

Do you consider yourself to be at the top of your fitness game? with a physique emulating power and perseverance, a product of dedication to your routine. Do you often find yourself hanging out at the local pools and waterholes? You may find yourself comparing muscles with the Giant Burrowing Frog.

Fighting Spirit

Spotted-Tail Quoll

Do you stand up for what you believe in? Are you fiercely loyal to those close to you? Do you find yourself getting into heated debates including over parking spots? or taking a bite at someone if they are in the wrong. You may be more similar to the Spotted- Tail Quoll than you think.

BMCC Biodiversity Conservation Community Workshops

Council is currently developing a Biodiversity Conservation Strategy that will help determine how biodiversity is managed in the Local Government Area for the next decade.  As valued organisations in the community, Bushcare and Landcare’s insights and expertise are invaluable to this initiative.  We would like to invite Bushcare and Landcare members to join us in shaping our Biodiversity Conservation Strategy by contributing their thoughts, feedback, and knowledge at one of our FREE Biodiversity Conservation Strategy Community Workshops.  We encourage you to share the Workshop details with the Bushcare and Landcare networks.

Workshop Details:

Online Workshop via Zoom – Friday, 3 November – 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm

In-Person Workshop – Saturday, 4 November – 10:30 am – 1:00 pm – Blue Mountains Theatre and Community Hub – Springwood.

Complimentary light finger food will be provided.  Please bring a keep cup or reusable cup for beverages and inform us of any dietary restrictions when registering.  If attendees are involved in biodiversity conservation programs, they are welcome to bring flyers for promotional purposes.

Attendees need to register their attendance for either the ONLINE workshop or the IN-PERSON workshop as spots are limited.

Additionally, we will have an “open mic” segment at both Workshops to allow community members to shine a spotlight on biodiversity conservation initiatives.

The Biodiversity Conservation Strategy is designed to encapsulate our commitment to reducing biodiversity decline and maintaining biodiversity within our region.  As we document our vision for the next decade, we are looking to establish clear objectives and methodologies for managing invasive species, habitat restoration and facilitating the recovery of threatened species.  The cornerstone of our Strategy’s success is collaboration.  We envision a symbiotic partnership between Council, residents, industry, local and regional organisations, experts, and most significantly, our Traditional Custodians, whose unique and profound relationship with the land has so much to offer us in knowledge and wisdom.  Our collective aim is to understand our current position in 2024, envisage our aspirations for 2034 and chart a pro-active course to that future.  Although we are building upon a legacy of significant achievements, this strategy is a pivotal evolution in our community-driven approach to biodiversity conservation.

Workshop Objectives:

•      To discern and address potential gaps in the Strategy.

•      To ensure the Strategy is comprehensive, touching upon every facet of biodiversity conservation.

•      To share new information on biodiversity conservation in the Blue Mountains with the community and delineate the roles both the Council and residents can play.

These Workshops will give you the opportunity to:

•      Have your say on biodiversity conservation in the Blue Mountains.

•      Discover new measures to protect plants and animals in our region.

•      Gain insights into our unique biodiversity.

•      Learn about the Council’s initiatives for biodiversity protection.

•      Contribute to the 10-year conservation blueprint for the Blue Mountains.

•      Hear from experts in the realm of plant and animal conservation.

Your attendance and participation will greatly enhance the diversity and depth of insights in the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy.

Please join us as we come together, combine our wisdom and craft a vision for a sustainable and biodiverse future.  Your voice and opinions are important and we look forward to your contribution.