Bushcare Office News

The past couple of months has been full of change in the Bushcare Team. We have welcomed Stephanie Chew and Jane Anderson as permanent part-time Bushcare Officers – some people would know Jane and Stephanie due to their work as casual Bushcare Officers over the past few years. We have also welcomed back Nathan Summers to the team. Nathan worked for 12 years within the Bushcare Team before joining the Recreation Team so he brings with him a wealth of experience. Nathan will be responsible for looking after the groups when your Bushcare Officer takes holidays and will work on projects and events to support your Bushcare Officer.

There has been changes afoot with legislation as the Biosecurity Act replaces the Noxious Weeds Act. This brings to us new suite of language as listed weeds are now classified as Biosecurity Risks and the control measures now called outcomes. More information can be found here http://www.bmcc.nsw.gov.au/index.cfm?s=C576E07E-3048-1075-63533E928C097BE8 

Council has been reviewing asbestos management procedures on all its sites which brings me to remind all volunteers that if you see asbestos on your site leave the area and mention it to your Bushcare Officer. The process is the officer will lodge an incident report and it will be assessed by a relevant council officer.

In conclusion the changes for the team leader role. I have resigned from the position to take on a Project Officer role within the Bushcare Team. I am delighted for the new challenges that lay ahead and will share this position while my kids are little with Tanya Mein. She brings a wealth of knowledge working with community gardens and Bushcare with Hornsby Council. I am looking forward to learning from her and delivering projects and events.  I would also like to thank Monica for the fantastic job she has done filling in working with parts of the Bushcare Team Leader position.