Sassafras Creek Remote

Sassafras Creek Springwwod , NSW, Australia

Sunday, 14 June @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Remote at Grose River, Mt Victoria

This is part of the NPWS Great Grose Weed Walk program. Spend some time exploring the headwaters of the Grose River.  Continuing on from previous work to stop the weed invasion further downstream.  Be prepared for the possibility of creek wading.  Morning tea and Lunch provided.  Book with Vanessa by 1st May 2016.  

Sassafras Creek Remote

Sassafras Creek Springwood, Australia

 A short bushwalk to the creek, working along the creek treating weeds as we find them as well as following up on a slope of scattered weeds - Ginger Lily and Privet . The area is downstream of the Jackson Park and the Beefarm Road Bushcare sites. This is a joint BMCC/NPWS activity.  Contact Lyndal […]

Remote Bushcare Sassafras Gully, Faulconbridge

Sassafras Creek Springwood, Australia

Sassafras Gully, Faulconbridge    9 am – 4 pm     A bushwalk from Faulconbridge Station to help the work of the Jackson Park Bushcare Group.   We will work along the creek and track treating weeds as we find them as well as following up on a slope of scattered weeds - ginger lily and privet. Contact […]

Grose Valley Remote 

Grose Valley Grose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

A multi day activity rock hopping and wading through the Upper Grose River searching for and destroying weeds before they spread further into the wilderness.  This activity is only for the fit and experienced.  Numbers are limited.  Book with Vanessa on (02) 47873112 or vanessa.richardson  by Monday 24th October.

Katoomba Creek Remote Bushcare

Katoomba Creek North Katoomba, NSW, Australia

A full day of weeding and bushwalking to continue the work in a rugged part of Katoomba Creek.  Some bush regeneration and bushwalking experience is needed.  This involves off track walking and creek wading.  A joint NPWS - BMCC activity. Numbers limited.  Lunch and morning tea provided.  Book with Lyndal on 4780 5623 or  by  Thursday 24th Nov. […]

Katoomba Creek – Remote

Katoomba Creek North Katoomba, NSW, Australia

Continue the fantastic combined efforts of BMCC and NPWS volunteers in another remote section of Katoomba Creek searching for weeds. Bush regeneration and bushwalking experience is needed. This activity involves off track walking and wading along the creek. This is a joint NPWS & BMCC activity and numbers are limited. Morning tea and lunch supplied. […]

NPWS Great Grose Weed Walk activity. 

Grose River Mt Victoria, Mt Victoria, NSW, Australia

   Headwaters of Grose River, Mt Victoria  9 – 3pm   Spend some time exploring the headwaters of the Grose River. We will continuing on from previous work to stop the weed invasion further downstream and into the swamp. Be prepared for the possibility of creek wading. Morning tea and Lunch provided. Book with Vanessa on […]

Katoomba Creek Remote

 Continue the fantastic work in another remote section of Katoomba Creek searching for weeds. Bush regeneration and bushwalking experience is needed. This activity involves off track walking and wading along the creek. This is a joint NPWS & BMCC activity and numbers are limited. Morning tea and lunch supplied. Book with Lyndal on 4780 5623 […]

Bushcare Blue Mountains