Grose Valley Remote 

Grose Valley Grose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

A multi day activity rock hopping and wading through the Upper Grose River searching for and destroying weeds before they spread further into the wilderness.  This activity is only for the fit and experienced.  Numbers are limited.  Book with Vanessa on (02) 47873112 or vanessa.richardson  by Monday 24th October.

Water Nymphs Dell Great Grose Weed Walk event

Water Nymphs Dell Wentworth Falls

If you're reasonably fit and would like a solid day helping to remove weeds this is the activity for you. Weeds have spread downslope from the de-comissioned sewerage treatment plant. you can expect loads of nasty Privet and Crofton Weed and breathe new life into this environment. Morning tea and lunch provided. Book with Vanessa […]

Weeding With a View – Govetts Leap

Govetts Leap lookout Govetts Leap Rd , Blackheath, NSW, Australia

Weeds are just a waterfall away! Come and help us stop these weeds going over the edge at Govetts Leap and spreading into surrounding bushland. Enjoy a special morning tea with a spectacular view. This event is part of the Great Grose Weed Walk program which a series of events held twice each year. It […]

Swampcare at Valley View

Valley View Swamp wentworth st, Blackheath , NSW, Australia

An opportunity to continue the long term efforts of volunteers to keep improving this large swamp system that needs help to reverse the impact of many varieties of weeds.  A known site of two threatened species, Giant Dragonfly and the Blue Mountains Water Skink. This is a joint NPWS and BMCC activity.  Lunch and morning […]

Remote – Grose Valley (Blackheath) 3 full days

Grose Valley Grose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

This multiday activity is ideal for the fit and adventurous who want to spend a full 3 days rock hopping and weeding along the Grose River. Some experience at overnight self-reliant camping is required and numbers are limited. Book by Monday 23rd September with Grant on 0499 699 150 or

GGWW Katoomba Creek- Remote (NPWS)

Katoomba Creek North Katoomba

Continue the great work done by volunteers over 16 years in a remote section of Katoomba Creek. Bush regeneration and bushwalking experience are essential. It will involve off-track walking and wading along the creek. Morning tea and lunch supplied. This is a joint NPWS and Blue Mountains City Council activity, and numbers are limited. Book […]

Protect the Blue Gum Forest – overnight remote trip (GGWW – NPWS)

NSW’s cradle of conservation and home to the towering Blue Gum’s. We will be spending two days intensively weeding the forest. Participants must be fit and ready to work and hike in the same day.  Some experience in bushwalking and self-sufficient camping is required. Numbers are limited.  Please book by Friday 5th of March with […]

Katoomba Creek- Remote (GGWW – NPWS / BMCC)

Continue the great work done by volunteers over 16 years in a remote section of Katoomba Creek. Bush regeneration and bushwalking experience are essential. It will involve off-track walking and wading along the creek. Morning tea and lunch supplied. This is a joint NPWS and Blue Mountains City Council activity, and numbers are limited. Book […]

1st Braeside Broom and Gorse Blitz (Blackheath) GGWW- NPWS

Come along and support the Braeside Bushcare Group. We will spend the day hunting Gorse and Broom seedlings, who have sprouted in huge numbers, post fire. This is our chance to fight them off once and for all! Minimal bushwalking involved. All are welcome. Morning tea and lunch provided. Book by Friday 21st of March […]

Mt Victoria at Headwaters of the Grose River- Remote (GGWW – NPWS)

Spend some time exploring the headwaters of the Grose River. We will be continuing from previous work to stop the weed invasion further downstream and into the swamp. Be prepared for the possibility of wet feet, some experience necessary. Morning tea and lunch will be provided, and numbers are limited. Please book by Friday 3rd […]

Popes Glen Swampcare, Remote Bushcare and Great Grose Weed Walk

Popes Glen Blackheath, NSW, Australia

Please note that this is a special event and that Popes Glen is still closed to residents and members of the public as further work is being carried out (including helicopter, machinery and track work in the post burn area). Approximately one year after fire, native regeneration is well underway. And a significant effort is […]


D- DAY at Popes Glen – Blackheath (GGWW – NPWS / BMCC)

For the first time ever all the catchments volunteer groups will combine efforts to invade this historic harbour for Gorse and Broom seedlings. This is a great event for first timers. Morning tea and lunch supplied. Followed by a group afternoon tea!  This is a joint NPWS, SwampCare and Blue Mountains City Council activity. Book […]

2nd Braeside Broom and Gorse Blitz (Blackheath) GGWW- NPWS

Come along and support the Braeside Bushcare Group. We will spend the day hunting Gorse and Broom seedlings, who have sprouted in huge numbers, post fire. This is our chance to fight them off once and for all! Minimal bushwalking involved. All are welcome. Morning tea and lunch provided. Book by Friday 17th of April […]

Grose River – 3 day Remote Trip (GGWW – NPWS)

The jewel in the crown. This multi-day activity is ideal for the fit and adventurous, who want to spend 3 days rock hopping and weeding along the river. Some experience in bushwalking and self-sufficient camping is required. Book by Friday the 24th of April with Grant on 0499 699 150 or

Bushcare Blue Mountains