NPWS Great Grose Weed Walk activity. 

Grose River Mt Victoria, Mt Victoria, NSW, Australia

   Headwaters of Grose River, Mt Victoria  9 – 3pm   Spend some time exploring the headwaters of the Grose River. We will continuing on from previous work to stop the weed invasion further downstream and into the swamp. Be prepared for the possibility of creek wading. Morning tea and Lunch provided. Book with Vanessa on […]

Mt Victoria at Headwaters of the Grose River- Remote (GGWW – NPWS)

Spend some time exploring the headwaters of the Grose River. We will be continuing from previous work to stop the weed invasion further downstream and into the swamp. Be prepared for the possibility of wet feet, some experience necessary. Morning tea and lunch will be provided, and numbers are limited. Please book by Friday 3rd […]

Bushcare Blue Mountains