Grant awarded for Turtle Habitat Construction

Glenbrook Lagoon has been awarded a $5000 grant to construct an artificial floating turtle habitat in Glenbrook Lagoon, as part of a pilot program in the area. Such structures aim to reduce turtle loss by providing safe habitat for laying eggs, away from the shoreline and predators.

Platform for turtle hatchlings photo credit: BM Gazette

Dr Ricky Spencer and a team of PhD students from UWS in partnership with Council are working to provide a habitat for turtles — and possibly structures for yabbies and fish underneath. See the article written by the Gazette with Dr Ricky Spencer discussing Turtle habitat in the Blue Mountains,

Bushcare volunteers are invitied to come along and join us construct the floating Turtle Habitat and learn how these systems operate on 14th May, 2019 at Glenbrook Lagoon. To book, click on the link below.

The UWS is asking Sydneysiders to help with their research on Turtles, by logging on to  TurtleSat to document any sightings. This project is gathering data on where the turtles are, and what they require to thrive, to help manage populations into the future. There is an app you can add to your phone that is easy to use.

For more information on the Turtle Habitat project, contact Geoffrey Smith, Program Leader for Healthy Waterways, on 4780 5751 or 

Further afield, here is an ABC News article on the Murray River Turtle