Katoomba Creek (Remote – Katoomba)

Katoomba Creek North Katoomba, NSW, Australia

Continue the great work done by volunteers along a unique and little visited section of the Katoomba Creek. Bushwalking and regeneration experience is essential for this trip as it involves off track walking, wading in the river and working with a backpack. Unfortunately due to COVID-19 we cannot provide or share morning tea and lunch […]


Remote – Porters Pass (Blackheath)

Porters Pass, West Blackheath Blackheath, Australia

Come and join us for a day in one of our new remote location at Porters Pass, Blackheath downstream of one of the Woody Weed Wander sites to treat Holly. This is a beautiful site in the Upper Mountains and we will be working along the creek above the falls at the intersection of woodland […]

Ruth’s Revenge

Minnehaha Falls Reserve end of Minnihaha Rd Seventh Ave , Katoomba, NSW, Australia

Come and join Ruth’s friends to commemorate her birthday at Minnehaha Falls Reserve by attacking her arch nemesis – Montbretia! We will work towards fulfilling her goal of eradicating this weed from Yosemite Creek. You are welcome to bring along treats if you would like to contribute to morning tea. This annual event is held […]

Remote – Lower Mountains TBC

Location to be confirmed - Lower Mountains (Springwood of Glenbrook) Bushwalking experience required. Contact Steve on sfleischmann@bmcc.nsw.gov.au

Popes Glen Swampcare/Remote/GGWW (SUSPENDED)

Due to COVID restrictions this event has been Suspended. Burnt bush needs your help. Come along for the joint BMCC and NPWS event – targeting Gorse and Broom across the Popes Glen Catchment. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL FOR CATERING PURPOSES RSVP below by Friday 1 October. Book only once!- either with BMCC or NPWS, who you book […]


Katoomba Creek Remote (SUSPENDED)

Due to COVID restrictions this event has been Suspended Continue the great work done by volunteers along a unique and little visited section of the Katoomba Creek. Bushwalking and regeneration experience is essential for this trip as it involves off track walking, wading in the river and working with a backpack. Unfortunately due to COVID-19 […]

Remote Bushcare @ Lower Porters Pass, Blackheath

Eco tone from Blue Mountains Shale Sandstone Transition forest to Central Tablelands woodlands Following our successful trip to Porters pass in 2020, I had a look at the lower sections of the creek, where it meets the Blackheath and Centennial Glen creeks in a beautiful Phragmites swamp that is more akin to Central Tablelands wetlands, […]

Remote Bushcare @ Katoomba Creek

Continue the great work done by volunteers along an exceptional and little visited section of the Katoomba Creek looking for mostly Broom, but also other weeds that threaten the World Heritage Area. Bushwalking and regeneration experience is essential for this trip as it involves off track walking, wading in the river and working with a […]

Ruth Revenge @Minnihaha

Join the Minnihaha Bushcare Group to take revenge on the Montbretia along the creek line at Minnihaha reserve. This morning is tribute to Ruth, one of long standing members who worked towards removing Montbretia along the creekline at many reserves in the upper mountains.

Knapsack Reserve Remote, Glenbrook

Shale Sandstone Transition Forest Following on from our trip to the northern sector of this magnificent reserve early in 2021 we will be heading to the southern sections from the water tanks on Old Bathurst Rd.  Off track work in Shale Sandstone Transition Forest with lots of Grey Gums, Ironbark’s and Ochna… A medium level […]

Bushcare Blue Mountains