Water Nymphs Dell, Wentworth Falls

Water Nymphs Dell Wentworth Falls

Join us for further work along Blue Mountain Creek which has been impacted by the now decommissioned Sewerage Treatment Plant. We will be treating privet with a range of other weeds like ivy and holly. Steep climb in and out expected with all off track walking. NPWS activity with morning tea supplied.

Remote at Grose River, Mt Victoria

This is part of the NPWS Great Grose Weed Walk program. Spend some time exploring the headwaters of the Grose River.  Continuing on from previous work to stop the weed invasion further downstream.  Be prepared for the possibility of creek wading.  Morning tea and Lunch provided.  Book with Vanessa by 1st May 2016.  

Hazelbrook Swampcare

Hazelbrook Swamp Rocklea Street, Hazelbrook , NSW, Australia

A NPWS  event An opportunity to work on a small infestation of noxious weeds in this swamp and reverse the damage before it’s too late.  Be prepared to get your feet wet.  Morning tea and lunch is provided.  Book with Vanessa on 4787 3112 or vanessa.richardson@environment.nsw.gov.au by Wednesday 14th September.

Grose Valley Remote 

Grose Valley Grose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

A multi day activity rock hopping and wading through the Upper Grose River searching for and destroying weeds before they spread further into the wilderness.  This activity is only for the fit and experienced.  Numbers are limited.  Book with Vanessa on (02) 47873112 or vanessa.richardson @environment.nsw.gov.au  by Monday 24th October.

Hensen Glen, Leura

Hensen Glen Mt Hay Rd, Leura, NSW, Australia

A full day walking off track along Govetts Creek ensuring this creekline remains free of weeds to protect the rare and endangered Epacris hamiltoni. Be prepared for wet feet. Morning tea and Lunch provided. Book with Vanessa on (02) 47873112 or vanessa.richardson @environment.nsw.gov.au by Wednesday 28th September.

Bushcare Blue Mountains