Council’s Seniors Festival Program

NSW Seniors Festival (formerly Seniors Week) is the largest festival for seniors in the Southern Hemisphere. To acknowledge the remarkable contributions our local seniors make to our Blue Mountains community, a program of events for the month of February has been put together. The theme for 2020 focuses on ‘Love To Celebrate’.

The Seniors Festival Program for 2020 offers a range of activities from 3 February to 19 March.

Loads of activities are on offer among the vast program including health and exercise activites, bushwalking, art, music, puzzles and games, senior driving workshops, talks on various plants and animals or gatherings where perhaps you encourage a friend to come along.

Where to find the Seniors Festival Program

Award Winning – Jamison Creek Catchment Biofilters

Blue Mountains City Council was awarded Overall Winner in the Natural Environment Protection and Enhancement: On-Ground Works category at the Local Government NSW (LGNSW) Excellence in the Environment Awards on Tuesday 3 December.

Photo: Healthy Waterways Program Leader Geoffrey Smith (left) accepts the award on behalf of Blue Mountains City Council.

Council was recognised for the Jamison Catchment Streets to Creeks project. The project worked to protect Wentworth Falls Lake and Jamison Creek from stormwater pollution and other threats posed by urban runoff. It also improved the health of swamps and waterways in Wentworth Falls as well as downstream in the World Heritage Area, and drinking water supplies.

“The vulnerability of Jamison Creek to stormwater impacts was highlighted when a stormwater-borne pesticide killed over a thousand of the creek’s freshwater crayfish, literally overnight,” Mayor Greenhill said.

“In response to this tragedy, several Council departments came together to respond to that situation and then work to ensure it never happened again. It is a testament to their passion, determination and ingenuity, and it makes me very proud to be the Mayor of this Council and its staff.”

“As one of only two cities in the world located within a World Heritage National Park, our environment is unique and its importance can never be understated or taken for granted. This award confirms what I and our community already know, that Blue Mountains City Council is second to none in this arena”.

Council constructed 12 stormwater biofiltration systems throughout the catchment, removing pollutants such as litter, sediment, nutrients and pathogens and increasing groundwater recharge. Biofilters improve water quality by slowing, filtering and infiltrating stormwater through beds of sand and gravel planted with native sedges and shrubs.

Canberra Street bio filter at Wentworth Falls Lake Photo: Council

The project involved Council’s Natural Area Management, Healthy Waterways and Civil Assets teams and employed a range of local contractors in the construction of stormwater treatment systems and the delivery of community and school events.

Local residents, schools and Bushcare groups also contributed to the project by taking part in Waterways festivals, catchment crawls, planting and weeding days and citizen science events.

Lachlan Garland – coordinator of the Jamison Creek Catchment Community Group stated “The Catchment Group congratulates all those involved in the extensive work that resulted in this award. Such an award highlights the Catchment and what is so special about it. The Catchment Group and associated Bushcare Groups look forward to working to improve the Catchment even further, so it becomes an example of what can be done with hard work and persistence.”

Jamison Creek Catchment Community Group planting day around Wilson Park bio filter. Photo: Council

Council’s Natural Area Operations Team also became involved with the bio filter systems post-construction largely following heavy rains when there’s a chance to check the functionality and structural integrity of the system – they could identify any maintenance issue and remove vegetation / debris blocking the water flow through the system as well as monitoring the system for any erosion or integrity failures.  In-planting of native vegetation and hand weeding also formed part of their role.

Preliminary monitoring shows the treatment systems are improving the quality of stormwater flowing to the lake and Jamison Creek, and surveys have found healthy, breeding crayfish populations that are recovering well from the 2012 pesticide incident.

Eric Mahony (BMCC Natural Area Management Program Leader) and Geoffrey Smith (BMCC Healthy Waterways Program Leader) assessing the function of the Central Park bio filter following heavy rains Photo: Council

Bush Fire Recovery Donations

Here are several ways to help in the support and recovery of our people and our natural communities affected by the recent bush fires. A few funds are listed blow….

Blue Mountains Bush Fire Mayoral Relief Fund

A Blue Mountains Bush Fire Mayoral Relief Fund has been created, to help Blue Mountains communities affected by recent bush fires to recover and rebuild. This registered fund allows the community to assist our local residents in their time of need. To read more or make a donation…..

Red Cross Diaster and Relief Recovery Funds

Salvation Army – Donate to the Diaster Appeal

Support your Local Bush Fire Brigade

Rural Fire Brigades are often more than just an emergency service. They can also be a vital community service, provide a community meeting point or offer assistance with non-emergency roles. For this reason, many people choose to donate to their local Rural Fire Brigade. To read more or make a donation

WIRES Bush Fire Emergency Fund

During the catastrophic fires over 4 million hectares of land has been destroyed and dozens of fires are still burning. In December alone WIRES 1300 line (Wildlfie Rescue 1300 094 737)received over 20,000 calls and volunteers attended over 3,300 rescues. WIRES is calling for your assistance to help rescue wildlife. To read more or make a donation……

RSPCA Bush Fire Appeal

With fires ravaging the state, animals are at their most vulnerable. Please donate to our bushfire appeal to help protect them. To read more or make a donation……

Animal Rescue Collective (ARC)

Welcome to Animal Rescue Collective and Fire/emergency support. This is a joint project of many rescue groups around Australia and is a registered business name os part of the MKC.

*** 24/12 XMAS Eve.  Blue Mountains is in flames.  Supply drops continue to Lithgow, Bathurst, Colo, Braidwood, emergency runs of 1 tonne each in Pellets, Water, Materials.. To read more or make a donation……

Secret Creek Sanctuary (Lithgow)

The local Secret creek Santuary near Lithgow sustained significant damage from the Mount Gosper fire when it came through our area on Saturday 21st December. The Sanctuary was set up to provide a feral proof enclosure where endangered native species are protected from predation. The Sanctuary aims to show visitors what Australia used to look like prior to European settlement with most species previously endemic to the area.

There is a need to do repairs (water supply, fences, fallen trees) to enable the Sanctuary to continue to house rescued wildlife that are vistims of this ongoing devastation.

If you would like to support by volunteering your time please message the Sanctuary/AEFI; Australian Ecosystems Foundation

Or if you have funds to donate, you can do so here:…/secret-creek-sanctuary-fire…


We have posted this on the Blue Mountains City Council Facebook. If you know any other person or organistation intereseted in helping to save wildlife – please pass this onto them.

Mammals, birds and reptiles are needing your help to survive!! The ongoing extreme bush wildfire event around the Blue Mountains and across the State has had a devastating impact on our forests and vegetation resulting in major loss or destruction of fauna habitats, refuges and their food source. Many creeks are dry and normal water supply sources are very low. Animals are under considerable stress and under these conditions there is often much displacement.

Actions you as residents and bushcare volunteers can do to provide a safe refuge for native fauna around your homes

  • Provide drinking water for all types of animals, birds and reptiles.
    • Birds – A range of shallow curved-floored bowls and bird baths can be used by both large and small birds and animals. Keep in a shady but open area and where possible place near a shrub to provide refuge.
    • Terrestrial animals– Many terrestrial animals may need to drink including reptiles, echidnas and bandicoots.  Poultry drinkers are better than open dishes for terrestrial animals and arboreal mammals.
    • Arboreal mammals – Some species such as the Greater Glider and Ringtail Possum receive adequate water from their diet, but supplementary water can be provided by securing a Poultry Drinker in branches of trees using ropes and ladders.
  • Things to think about
    • Be aware of predators – keep pets (cats and dogs) away and raise water on a pedestal to limit predation.
    • Reduce risk of drowning by animals – avoid deep dishes that limit access in and out
    • Avoid using metal bowls that heat up in the sun.
    • Place water and refuges near trees and shrubs
    • Keep water clean and refilled
    • Provide shade and safe refuge where possible – rocks, logs, pipes and man-made structures.
    • Suggestion – keep your cats and dogs inside

Council Christmas / New Year Closures 2019/2020

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Bushcare Team!

The Council Offices will be closing from 12pm Tuesday 24th December and reopening Thursday 2nd January 2002 with only essential services being provided during this period.

Details on the arrangements for specific Council services, such as libraries, waste services, leisure and information centres, are as follows:

  • Blue Mountains Cultural Centre – Open every day except Christmas Day (on all public holidays the Cultural Centre will be open 10am to 2pm and the cafe will be closed).
  • Blue Mountains Theatre & Community Hub will be closed from Saturday 21 December and re-open on Thursday 2 January 2020.
  • Blue Mountains Libraries – Closed from midday on Tuesday 24 December and will reopen normal hours on Thursday 2 January 2020.
  • Customer Service Counters (Katoomba and Springwood) and Service NSW Agency Katoomba – Closed from midday on Tuesday 24 December and will reopen normal hours on Thursday 2 January 2020.
  • Leisure Centres will be closed on Christmas Day and will close at 5.00pm on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve (on all public holidays the centres operate 8:00am – 6:00pm, except for Blackheath Pool that continues with standard operating hours on public holidays). 
  • Waste Management Facilities – Open every day except Christmas Day, the facility at Blaxland will open to accept the Domestic Waste Vehicles only.
  • Waste Collection Services will continue everyday including Christmas Day.
  • Visitor Information Centres – Open every day except Christmas Day

Citizen Science – SoS Frog Conservation

A research team from the University of Newcastle recently met with Council staff and other ecologists to introduce a new citizen science project and gave a presentation highlighting the threat and decline of amphibians both locally and worldwide. Although a common key threat is habitat degradation, declines are also occurring in pristine habitats such as the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area (i.e. no recent recordings) and the proximate cause of decline is unknown.

The team will establish a research-based project that combines targeted scientific surveys with citizen science to survey known locations of several threatened frog species in the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, and identify the mechanisms that are reducing their abundance. Understanding the cause of any population decline is imperative for creating conservation measures that will effectively protect species – particularly in conserved habitats.

The target frog species for the Blue Mountains World Heritage Area are Mixophyes balbus (Stuttering Frog), Litoria littlejohni (Littlejohn’s Tree Frog) and Heleioporus australiacus (Giant Burrowing Frog). Littlejohn’s Tree Frog is known to live around heathland environments while the Giant Burrowing Frog lives near small streams with their breeding habitat in soaks or pools within first or second order streams.

This project offers excellent collaboration potential with research groups, several Council’s groups (Bushcare, Natural Areas and the Healthy Waterways Teams), plus other organisations such as National Parks and Wildlife Service, and other interested individuals and groups.

In the future there will be calls for citizen scientists to help monitor audio monitors, change the batteries every 2-3 months and the potential to learn how to identify the frog calls. If you are interested in this project or willing to monitor the sites please advise the Bushcare Team on

Audio Moth to monitor frog calls Photo: Council

In the future there will be calls for citizen scientists to help monitor audio monitors, change the batteries every 2-3 months and the potential to learn how to identify the frog calls. If you are interested in this project or willing to monitor the sites please advise the Bushcare Team on

Friday the First of November 2019

By Jane Anderson

Upper Kedumba Bushcare Group were privileged to have 20 Veolia staff come up from Sydney to participate in one of their Bushcare days – this site is part of “The Gully”.  We successfully planted 400 native seedlings in an area previously cleared of Privet and Holly with the help of the Council’s urban weeds program.

Bethany King, a Gully Traditional Owner and the lovely daughter of the wonderful David King GTO, had a fantastic opportunity to organise this event combining her deep connection with Country and with her role as Human Resources Coordinator at Veolia – a company turning waste into energy.

David welcomed the group with a traditional smoking ceremony followed by an interesting  walk and talk around the Gully. The day was also filmed as part of Veolia – 2020 Reconciliation Action Plan Launch (see link below).

The team then got stuck into a day ‘greening up’ Upper Kedumba. They planted ferns and shrub layer plants then continued to rehabilitate a soak area.

Many thanks to the team and for Veolia for supplying the plants from Wildplant Rescue!

The GTO Upper Kedumba Bushcare group and Bushcare are very grateful for the fantastic help.

Upper Kedumba planting day with Veolia staff Photo: Jane Anderson

“Veolia acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and recognises their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures; and to elders both past and present”

Click here to view: Veolia – 2020 Reconciliation Action Plan Launch

Leura Falls and Gordon Creeks Catchment Care Day 2019

Article by Monica Nugent and Jenny Hill

Catchment Day events provide great opportunities for all Bushcare groups regularly working in the Catchment to come together to support each other, socialise, learn about each other’s work and find out about any future work planned for the area.  Often it’s also a way to supplement existing weed control or environmental restoration work.

Leura Falls Creek and Gordon Creek Catchment Care day at Carrington Park went ahead Sunday 6 October on a warm and sunny day producing another highly successful event with great outcomes for the catchment. This year, 13 volunteers participated, contributing a total of 60 hours. Supported by Monica Nugent (BMCC & NPWS), Karen Hising (BMCC) and Neil Coghill (NPWS) the volunteers’ efforts removed Broom, Tagasaste, Dogwood, Tutsan, Holly, Bird Cherry, Cotoneaster, lots of aggies and more!

It was great to see representation from all eight Bushcare groups working in the catchment including volunteers from Vale Street; Leura Cascades; Cumberland Walkway; Banksia Park; Govett St; Gordon Falls Reserve; and Prince Henry Cliff Walk Bushcare Groups and the Everglades Landcare and Vihara Landcare Groups.

The bushland in Carrington Park, on Cliff Drive in Katoomba was chosen as it met many great outcomes:  a potential source of weeds that can be spread by birds and/or stormwater into the national park below, the location was highly visible from surrounding houses and tourist roads so a perfect opportunity to promote Bushcare, inform locals about invasive plants and attract new volunteers. Finally, weed control for this area was identified as an action in the Leura and Gordon Falls Creek Catchment Group’s Strategy and Action Plan.

Weeding above the national park  at Carrington Park Photo credit: BMCC
BMCC Bushcare and NPWS volunteers enjoying morning tea and catch up with other bushcare groups in the catchment. Photo: BMCC

Exposing some historical amenities building below Solitary Restaurant-Cafe Kiosk

On a separate occasion, a very timely road closure of Cliff Drive for drainage works allowed Council to employ bush regeneration contractors to tackle the extremely dense woody weeds and vines below the Solitary Restaurant-Cafe to unveil the historic amenities building in the process!

The before and after photos are very revealing!!!

Before photo – dense woody weeds and vines on Cliff Drive Photo Credit: Trish Kidd
After photo – historical amenities block “unveiled” Photo credit: Trish Kidd

A big thank you to all involved to create a happy outcome!

Vale Una King

Tribute by Nathan Summers

It is with sadness that we mark the loss of one of our long term members of the Bushcare community.  Una King, who had been one of the founding members of the Redgum Park Bushcare Group, at Bullaburra, passed away on the 27 October at the age of 93.  From her childhood on a flower farm in what was then rural Miranda in the 1920’s, Una spent part of her adult life in Guildford with her family, until they moved to the mountains in the 1970’s, a move fitting in with her long term love of the bush and the Blue Mountains. 

From the beginning she was always very active within her local Blue Mountains community.  Una was always a strong advocate for things that needed to be done from roads, to community facilities, to the environment which she valued so importantly, a task she always did politely yet consistently.

Her community involvement included commencement of the Blue Mountains Lapidary Club, which still runs today, reflecting her love of gemstones, fossicking and the outdoors, the Bullaburra Progress Association and Community Hall, and the Bushcare program.  Una had also worked at the Katoomba Hospital and Blue Mountains City Council in the 1970’s and 80’s.

In 1993, Una was a key player of a group of people that got the first Bush Regeneration TAFE course conducted in the Blue Mountains.  Based at the Bullaburra Community Hall, this was taught by Eric Mahony (now Council’s Natural Area Management Program Leader, and formerly one of Council’s original Bushcare Officers).  This also happened to be the beginning of Eric’s long association with the Blue Mountains.

Una was also a key player in the commencement of the Redgum Park Bushcare Group, which initially focussed on weeding as well as track work and other development of Redgum Park’s recreation facilities.  The Bushcare group continues today, with new generations of members.

Una King (sitting front left) with the early Redgum Park bushcare group, 1994. Photo: BMCC

Another one of Una’s qualities was a good family lady who was great with kids.  This is reflected in the close affectionate relations with her own children and grandchildren, and even great grandchildren, and also other people who encountered her motherly qualities in earlier years.  It was also shown with the constant number of children who were part of the gem club at Bullaburra.

Una was someone who kept active right up until the end of her life, she was a great community lady and made a contribution to the Bushcare program that was subtle yet a significant part of its development.