Tag Archives: Facilitation skills

Scholarships to Volunteers

Les Robinson has offered some subsidized places for volunteers to attend his training sessions.

Changeology (2 days)

The complete toolset for devising behaviour change projects + plus innovation skills, buzzmaking, and, for the first time, a systems thinking palette for sustained change. Really engage your community in change.

What it covers.

Date: 12–13 October 2015
Venue: The Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability, 2 Balls Head Rd, Waverton
Timing: 8.45 am for a 9.00 am start, 4.30 pm finish.

Yummy lunch and 180 page training manual provided. Numbers limited.

Facilitation Skills (1 day)

Lay a solid foundation for facilitating meetings and workshops in any context.

What it covers.

Sydney: 15 October 2015
Venue: The Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability, 2 Balls Head Rd, Waverton
Timing: 8.45 am for a 9.00 am start, 4.30 pm finish.

Yummy lunch and 80 page training manual provided. Numbers limited.

Please contact the Les Robinson to book a place letting him know you are a volunteer. Numbers limited. Bushcare will cover the cost of attending. 

Les Robinson Enabling Change
Enabling You to Change the World
Email les@enablingchange.com.au | Web www.enablingchange.com.au