Tag Archives: Jackson Park

Bushcare Boosters – The Birds and the Bees of Bushcare

Bushcare Volunteers! You are invited to a free workshop!

Presented by the very experienced, qualified Bushcare Boosters Trainer, Geoff Bakewell and hosted by BMCC Bushcare.

At this interactive Bushcare Boosters training  you will learn how to make your Bushcare site as fauna friendly  as possible. We will look at:

  • elements of habitat and fauna requirements
  • animal interactions
  • habitat management
  • site monitoring

The content is most suitable for volunteers who have some practical experience in the field and who wish to develop a better understanding of environmental restoration techniques. It is not aimed at volunteers who have obtained accredited training in environmental restoration, though all Blue Mountains Bushcare volunteers are welcome to attend.

Date: Sunday October 30

Time: 7:30 am – 12:30 pm We need to start early to check for animal tracks!

Brunch provided. Please advise of any special dietary requirements when you book a place.

Location: Faulconbridge SES Headquarters

7 Sir Henrys Parade, Faulconbridge and Jackson Park.

What you should bring:  hat, drinking water and notebook.  Wear comfortable clothing suitable for walking.

Bookings are essential and places are limited RSVP by Monday 24th October to Monica Nugent on 4780 5528 or mnugent@bmcc.nsw.gov.au


Remote Bushcare Sassafras Gully, Faulconbridge

Sassafras Gully, Faulconbridge    9 am – 4 pm    

A bushwalk from Faulconbridge Station to help the work of the Jackson Park Bushcare Group.   We will work along the creek and track treating weeds as we find them as well as following up on a slope of scattered weeds – ginger lily and privet. Contact Lyndal Sullivan 4780 5623 or   lsullivan@bmcc.nsw.gov.au to book by Fri 7th October.

Coir Log Work at Jackson Park Bushcare Site

In Jackson Park’s August Bushcare session, the Group, with the help of Bushcare Officer Peter Chrismas, built a structure to collect sediment coming from the stormwater outlet.

Coir Log work at Jackson Park

Coir Log work at Jackson Park

The materials used were coir logs that were staked to anchor them into the ground so that the water is trapped in the structure and the sediment drop out and the cleaner water trickles onto the site.

After the first rain event

After the first rain event Photo: Chris Watson