1990 (Jan) - Pre 1992: Popes Glen Bushcare

This is the 30-year story of Popes Glen in the Blue Mountains, NSW and how a thriving wetland was created from an environmental wasteland at the headwaters of Popes Glen Creek, Blackheath. It is a remarkable demonstration of what can be achieved when a group of volunteers works in a long-term partnership with their local council and with targeted funding support. This project was supported by a number of special-purpose grants over its life, in particular from the Environmental Trust of NSW to enabled contractors to carry out major works beyond the capacity of the volunteer group and council.
Videos, short scientific papers and a complete report describing this transformative project can be downloaded HERE.
Website: https://popesglen.bushcarebluemountains.org.au/
Resources:  https://popesglen.bushcarebluemountains.org.au/publications/

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Bushcare Blue Mountains