Remote – Grose Valley (Blackheath) 3 full days

Grose Valley Grose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

This multiday activity is ideal for the fit and adventurous who want to spend a full 3 days rock hopping and weeding along the Grose River. Some experience at overnight self-reliant camping is required and numbers are limited. Book by Monday 23rd September with Grant on 0499 699 150 or

Grose Valley Remote 

Grose Valley Grose Valley, Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia

A multi day activity rock hopping and wading through the Upper Grose River searching for and destroying weeds before they spread further into the wilderness.  This activity is only for the fit and experienced.  Numbers are limited.  Book with Vanessa on (02) 47873112 or vanessa.richardson  by Monday 24th October.

Bushcare Blue Mountains